Thursday 4 June 2009

FAQs in Teaching of Science-I.

Frequently asked Questions in Teaching Science. { D.T.Ed. I Year }
Part - Ia { Contents }
1. Define Nutrients.
2. Mention the name of diseases caused by the increase and decrease in Number of RBCs in human blood.
3. Give examples for Coelenterata
4. Give composition of air ( % by volume)
5. Write the Archimedes principle?
6. What is malnutrition?
7. Define Isotopes.
8. What is refraction?
9. Write the functions of Maltase enzyme
10. Give examples for Amphibians.
11. Mention the mineral rich food components
12. Classify the vitamins.
13. Mention the deficiency diseases of vitamin D.
14. Mention the symptoms of Marasmus disease.
15. What is called Chlorogen ?
16. Write down the Haemoglobin count in Human blood ?
{ Man: 14 -17 grams / deci litre, Woman:12– 15 g/dl, Children: 11-16 g/dl , Pregnant Woman: 11-12 g/dl. }
17. What is the Boiling Point of Oxygen ? { -182.9°C }
18. Why the water has shown different tastes ?
19. How will you convert hard water in to soft water ?
20. Why the does the water in the ocean tastes soar ?
21. Give examples for Natural and Synthetic fibres.
22. Mention the types of Glasses.
23. Cement Concrete and Reinforced concrete – differentiate.
24. What are the sources for Glass production?
25. Why the washing powder gives the chlorine odour when it is exposed in air ?
26. What is called sublimation? Give example ?
27. Give any two examples for Organic and Inorganic Acids.
28. Mention the vitamin rich food nutrients.
29. Mention the locations of Voluntary muscles and involuntary muscles present in our body.
30. What are the functions of Plants ?
31. What is called Green House effect ?
32. Write the uses of Siphon ?
33. Water is an universal solvent. Prove it with a suitable experiment.
34. Give any three examples for Natural Fibres.
35. What are the properties of Gases ? ( Mention any Four )
36. What are the uses of Baking soda ?
37. Mention the Vitamin C rich food.
38. What are the functions of Vitamin D.
39. What will be the use of Vitamin A.
40. List out the vitamin A deficient diseases.

Part - IIa. { Contents }
1) Classify the food components based on its usage.
2) What is chlorination ?
3) List out the methods of food processing?
4) Write short notes on Pasteur method.
5) Mentions the diseases caused due to deficiency of Water soluble vitamins.
6) Write notes on Food adulteration
7) Tabulate the Importance of Vitamins.
8) Differentiate the Veins with Arteries.
9) List out the damages caused by the Agricultural Pests
10) Write down the methods of Food preservation.
11) Mention the names and functions of the enzymes secreted in the human stomach.
12) Write important features of Reptiles.
13) Describe the types of Human Blood Cells.
14) Write down the laws of floatation.
15) Write the physical properties of non metals.
16) Explain the methods of food processing.
17) Write the functions of Blood.
18) Define Mutation.
19) Prove the presence of atmospheric pressure through an experiment.
20) How can you convert the saline water in to drinking water ?
21) Write the importance of cleanliness of clothes ?
22) What are the necessary sources for the production of Glass. Classify the tyopes of Glasses.
23) Explain the Sublimation process with an example.
24) What is air pollution ? Mention its biological effects and reactions.
25) Mention the conservation methods of Pet animals.
26) List out the name and functions of enzymes secreted in the human stomach.
27) List out the name and functions of enzymes secreted in the human intestine.
28) List out the name and functions of enzymes secreted in the human Pancreas.
29) Mention the causes and affected by the agricultural pests.
30) Differentiate Arteries with Veins.
31) What is called Protein deficiency ? How it affects in India ?
32) What is called Osmosis ? explain with a experiment.
33) What is called reverse osmosis ? Explain with a diagram.
34) Mention the ways of Water Preservation ?
35) Explain the methods of Cement preparation.
36) Write brief notes on solid wastes management.
37) Expalin the Surface tension with an example.
38) What are the properties and uses of Baking soda?
39) What are the diseases caused by the Vitamin D deficiency.
40) Write notes on Scurvy.

Part - Ib. (Methodology)
1. What is called Science ?
2. Write short notes on General Objectives, Specific Objectives.
3. List out the Psycho motor skills pronounced by Harrow (1972).
4. Define Scientific Method.
5. Mention the skills developed among the students during the process testing of hypothesis.
6. Compare the analysis and classification.
7. Problem assignment: Define.
8. List out the features of good assignment.
9. Mention the drawbacks that you considered in the Teacher centered teaching.
10. Home assignments, School assignments – compare.
11. Mention the members in the seminar committee.
12. What is the Role of the Seminar Observer.
13. How will you evaluate the seminar method.
14. Give the definitions pronounced by C.J. Kumar and D.P. Rao.
15. Mention any two Logos of environmental studies and its activities under ABL method.
16. What are the activities of development under ABL method.
17. What are the long term objectives.
18. Mention the qualities of Science teacher.
19. What is called Learning by doing ?
20. Write the advantages of Assignment method.
21. What do you understand from the ABL method.
22. List out the evaluation tools.
23. What is called Summative evaluation ?
24. Define Formative evaluation ?
25. Compare the Formative and summative evaluations.
26. What is called evaluation ?
27. Mention any two tests that evaluate the intelligence of students.
28. What is called continuous evaluation.
29. How the weather chart is used by the students.
30. What is experiment assignment.

Part - IIb. (Methodology)
1. Explain about the types of seminar.
2. Write down the stages to be handled in Seminar method.
3. Write the advantages of ABL method in learning process.
4. How the ABL method has implemented in Tamil Nadu.
5. Write briefly about the necessary requirements for ABL class room ?
6. List out the Learning materials used in ABL method.
7. Explain the structure and facilities to be implemented in the ABL class room.
8. Differentiate the measurement and Evaluation.
9. What are the types of Evaluation. Explain.
10. What are the evaluation components of Practical examination.
11. What are the General Objectives of Science Teaching in Primary education ?
12. What are the advantages of Learner centred method.
13. What are the objectives of Scientific method ?
14. How will you help a student to solve a problem through the scientific method.
15. What are the stages in Learning by doing method ?
16. List out the merits of ABL method.
17. Correlate the Human Society development and Science.
18. Mention the methods of Teacher centred and learner centered methods in teaching.
19. What are the merits and demerits of Scientific methods ?
20. Explaining the learning by doing method with diagrams.
21. What are the advantages of Learning by doing method.

Part - III. (Methodology)

? Give an account of the types of Assignments.
? Explain the concepts derived about cognitive domain by Bloom, Anderson and Raathhole.
? Explain any two stages of Learning by doing method.
? Give an account of Types of school assignments.
? Explain the ABL method as an example for learning by doing.
? Explain the stages / steps in Scientific Method
? Explain the learning experiences / activities in ABL method with examples.
? How will you teach the lesson `States of Matter from V standard` through the learning by doing method ?
? How will you teach the lesson / concept regardiong `Avoiding water pollution` through the seminar method ?
? Explain the class room management in ABL method.
? What are the guidelines for a good achievement test. Explain with example.
? Explain how you teach the Land pollution and its effects through the seminar method.

to be continued, till 25th June 2009.

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